fly fishing brown trout

 The  Scientific Fly Fishing Site For Brown Trout 


Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is one of the most popular fishing species on the planet.  The Brown Trout is one of the most highly adaptable and intelligent fish and furnishes probably more sport fishing than any other trout or salmon on the planet. The brown trout rises readily to flies and is able to withstand more fishing pressure than some of its brethren species.

The brownie as they are often called grow to large sizes in streams, rivers, and lakes.  Where available the brown trout will go to sea and these large sea run browns often resemble their close cousin, the Atlantic Salmon. The brown trout is often a extremely selective feeder and is responsible for more fly patterns, and advanced techniques in fly fishing than any other fish on the planet.  Brown trout adapt readily as long as the water is clean, and the temperature range is sufficient.  Studies of brown trout show that they prefer more cover, and shade that either brooks, rainbows, or cutthroats. (The photo below shows a wild brown trout from the limestone stream Spruce Creek)

Brown trout populations in America are of a number of types including wild brown trout populations, hold-over trout populations, and stocked trout populations.  In some streams more than one type of population may be present. There is a great debate about stocking hatchery brown trout over wild brown populations in America and England.

Studies have shown that anglers and even fly anglers have lower success rates when fishing for brown trout than any other species of trout.  This is the lore of the brown trout. It is a sophisticated feeder and a tough fish to catch on many streams.  Given the proper environment which means clean water, cover, proper temperature range, good food supply and proper regulations and the brown trout furnishes some of the best trout fishing anywhere at any time.Hold Over Brown Trout Big Spring Creek Newville Pa. Limestone Spring Creek(the photo below shows a hold over brown trout from Big Spring Creek, Newville, Pa. A limestone spring creek)